About Me
Happiness coach
What makes me an expert?
I genuinely live this life. I have a very good understanding of the mind and body. I have also studied and consistently practiced all the tools I teach to the point where I know they work.
My true talent is in consistency and determination. I haven't missed a single day of breath work and yoga for over 6 years.
I have run a few successful businesses and set a world record.
I very much enjoy my life, the adventures, helping others and the world. But ultimately I am content, my needs and ego are small. Understanding this truth at your core brings great peace.

So how did I get here
I am very lucky I have always had a fantastic outlook on life, my quest as a coach has always been to understand the mind, life and how to be successful but also be able to relax, be happy and enjoy life.
I studied Neural linguistical programming which gave me some great tools to understand and fix issues in our mind but I always felt something was missing with this coaching. It explained how programable our mind is and how easy it is to fix and change perceptions but it didn’t fix the bigger issues of the mind.
I became a successful gym owner & I had a fantastic life and job doing what I loved.
It was a lot of fun but it was impossible to calm down after work and relax and enjoy life. The stress of looking after a 100+ people and trying to keep them happy, was a constant worry. I felt like the gym was part of me and I was completely overwhelmed, tied to my phone and social media. My sleep had become a big problem, constantly waking up thinking of things I needed todo.
I understood what had happened I had programmed my mind to the point where I could no longer relax, instead I always felt the need to be doing something, achieving something, keeping people happy.
Despite all the tools and knowledge I had on the mind, I was unable to use these effectively.
The big change for me happened when
I read about eastern philosophy on the mind. Yoga, Buddhist and zen masters really are exerts on contentment. There teachings made understanding the mind and life very simple and brought great clarity of thinking overnight. It made separating my work from life very clear & simple to understand.
These core principles have been practiced and developed over centuries and unlike the complex and ineffective western methods. The eastern methods are clear, concise and most importantly work.
Next I went to India to learn even more and studied breathwork, yoga & mindfulness. I developed a fantastic daily routine to completely clear my mind after work. Contentment and happiness now come easily for me.
I now teach happiness and contentment, I help people understand the mind and life easily by teaching my 5 pillars, I also build them their own powerful daily routine to clear their mind, develop concentration and contentment. Its a gradual process but it really does work and i support people step by step along this journey.
I also try to inspire people to look after the environment. I try to show them you can live a great life and still have a positive impact on the environment. The gym and my house in Crete are both solar powered and I set up and help run the Cambridgeshire tree planting community who have so far planted over 6000 trees.
You can still do the things you love and have a positive impact, you just need to make the changes you want to see happen.
Relevant Qualifications
- NLP diploma – Life coaching
- L3 Personal trainer
- Sport massage therapist.
- Yoga & meditation certificate 200hrs – Studied in Rishikesh India
- Yoga life coach – 300 hrs
- Certified Breath work Instructor – 40 hrs
- Yoga Nidra instructor – 30 hrs
- Mindfulness Teacher certificate – 20 hrs
What do I Coach?
I aim to help you live your best life, to understand for you how to enjoy life & be a success in all areas of your life.
I live this way myself, Its not an easy skill to learn on your own, Success, excitement, the future, the past, problems, fears… are all so easy to get drawn into and wrapped up in that it pulls you away from enjoyment and satisfaction.
I aim to inspire and support you to create your own routine that helps you on the path to optimising your life.
Finding Joy & Enjoying life
Our whole experience is created by us so this is a very important understanding, however finding activities you enjoy is really important I want to empower people to live their lives.
Enjoyment in an activity is about letting the emotions flow and tapping into this experience.