PODCAST: The benefits of developing focus and clearing the mind

One of the main benefits of a regular practice is developing focus and clearing the mind.

When we practice yoga or meditation it brings us out of the mind by paying attention to the body or the breath. This breaks the cycle of thinking and clears the mind. 

At the end of a busy day we should be relaxing, letting go of the cycle of thoughts and clearing our mind. But with modern busy lives and stressful jobs this is not happening. 

So this cycle continues to grow and also becomes our default nature. 

This can grow to the point where we hold thoughts as real things which effects us. In fact with the majority of people a negative thought can really ruin their day.

This is why just 10 minutes once a day can have a huge effect because it breaks this cycle. 

This short podcast goes into much more detail and also discusses how to develop focus: